Hello Dearest

Those calculating eyes met yours, and in them you saw years of your life ruined. An entire future that you had planned, your last remaining hope of escape, a beacon of light shattered.

You sit down at the table. The room shifts around you, as memories cloud your mind. Your childhood home, coming back for the holidays, the couple of months you were forced to move back in, all of it tainted with those eyes watching you. Judging you.

“Is something wrong? You seem a little preoccupied hon”

Did their smirk get wider, or was that just in your imagination?

“I’m so glad you finally decided to come back. I know it’s hard to let go of a grudge, but blood is thicker than water after all”

It takes everything you have not to snap. Not to finally throw it all back in their face. All the pain, all the nights spent crying alone. Every single time they hurt you. Every time they-

“Oh it’s ok. You don’t have to say anything yet. Let’s just eat, yes?”

It’s your favorite meal. Warm, and delicious, just like you remember it. You pick up a small bite and lift it to your mouth. Slowly you bite down and instead of what you might have expected it tastes different.

With a shock you realize it tastes like..

Blood     Rot