Security Glass

Security glass. It’s always security glass. And knowing the group that took it, this one was rigged to set off an alarm if anyone so much as coughs in its direction.

At least there weren’t any lasers swirling around it this time. You scan the room, looking for anything that could interfere with your plan. No guards, no windows, nothing but the case and the pedestal. Surely it couldn’t be that easy.

Then your heart sinks as you hear the barking of guard dogs and shouting echo down the hall. They found the guard you stuffed in that closet. You had to act fast.

You close and bar the door, praying that it would hold them for a few minutes. Now it’s a matter of getting it out of the glass. The alarm is already going so it’s probably fine to just smash the case right? Then again, you never know what other precautions they may have taken.

You can’t risk losing or hurting your prize. In one hand you hold a hammer, in the other, a laser glass cutter. You step up to the glass and..

Smash It     Start Cutting