Smash It

Swing your hammer directly into it. It shatters with a crash. An alarm roars to life and in one swift move you shrug off your backpack, put the gem inside, and take off running. The other hall was full of guards, so you dash into the stairwell. Before you make it in, you jump as an intercom buzzes and a voice starts speaking.

“Well well well. If it isn’t my favorite little sneak thief. You did a good job of getting past my security. It’s a shame I’m going to have to kill you now. You know, I didn’t even need that diamond. Not really. I just thought it would be fun to have it. Turns out I was right! It sure looked pretty sitting in my case”

You were going to kill them. But first you had to get out. You start running up the staircase, hoping you could climb out a fire escape you saw on your way in. However, when you get to the top you find yourself standing face to face with a figure in an expensive suit, standing just in front of the door. This was the person who had stolen your diamond. It had remained in your family through wars and famines and invasions, and this smug looking jerk was the one who had finally gotten it. Not on your watch.

“Oh hello there! Funny running into you. You could almost say I was expecting it. Now, hand over the diamond, or this stairwell is going to be the last place you ever see.” A gun cocks. “You don’t want that, do you? Because I certainly don’t. It’s surprisingly hard to get the smell of blood out”

You start to back away but they grab you by the arm and pull you closer. The barrel of the gun is pressed into your chest.

“Didn’t you listen to me? Or do you just want to die? Give me the gem. I can promise you, I’m not joking.”

You hastily apologize, and ask them to let you go so you can get it out of the backpack. With their gaze fixed on you, and their finger ready to pull the trigger, they watch as you slowly pull out the diamond.

“That’s it. Good job. I knew you’d come around.”

Their grip on the gun relaxes, and just as they step forward you seize your chance. With one hand you slam the baseball sized crystal into the side of their head, and with the other you grab the gun as it drops. They crash into the wall and before they have the chance to recover, you shove past them and out onto the second floor. You hear them screaming and cursing as they chase you down another long hallway, telling you there’s nowhere to run. But you’re aiming for the window right at the end.

You grab a chair and throw it through, shattering the glass around you. Just before you jump through, you turn around to face them, and give a smile as they scramble to catch you. You give a mocking salute and jump through, landing safely in the shrubbery a few feet below.

Dressed in all black, you’re able to quickly vanish into the night, nowhere to be found. Turns out, the diamond really did look pretty on display. It just looked a whole lot better when it was back in the hands of your family.

Ending 5/16

Try Again