Someone Sneezing

That wasn’t the sound you expected to hear, but it was still a sound so you weren’t complaining.

“Oh my gOsh are you ok????”

You stare at the figure in front of you, trying to remember how to use your senses again.

“What am I saying, of course you aren’t. You’ve been in here way longer than anyone is supposed to. We kind of forgot to pull you out, you know with the merger and new policies and everything- *aCHOO* whOO. Sorry. I always have a weird reaction to those stupid travel warps. Come on, let's get you out of here!”

Without you needing to say a word they pull you to your feet and gesture excitedly at the glowing white void behind them. You step through and feel a rush of recognition. The gut wrenching spiraling in your stomach feels familiar, and with a rush of deja vu you step out into a hall and realize you used to.. Work here? The sign on the door you walked through says Sensory Deprivation.

“Yeahhh you’re a little late on your break but that’s our fault really. Lot’s to do right now, and it’s hard to keep track of every employee. Might have to tell the boss that you lot can’t take your breaks in the chamber anymore, it’s kinda dangerous. Now thatI think of it, that's why all the new regulations are banning it.”

You’re sat down at a desk with a name on it. It feels familiar, but not enough to be yours. Your back fits perfectly into the chair, and despite not knowing what any of the buttons in front of you do, you know exactly how to move your hands across them.

“There you go! It’s all starting to come back now, right? It’s me! Your old pal? The Admiral? Eh it’s ok you’ll get there. You’re gonna be just fine pal”

You feel a slap on your back, and just like that they’re gone. You pick up a picture on the desk. Is that your family? Then that one must be you.

“Alright everyone! We’ve got our temporal balancer back! A little less crippling nausea and inconvenient aneurysms for you guys now that they’re here again! Now let’s get to work! You know what to do. The Star-Sweeper ain’t gonna fly itself!”

You assume they’re also referring to you, but you’re still scared to work this display without knowing how. And you want to keep searching the desk for any memories you can get back. You decide to..

Search Your Desk     Fly the Ship